How to Create a Multi Step Registration Form in WordPress?

Last Updated: 5 mins By: Akriti Pant

Research shows that multi step forms can significantly improve conversion rates compared to long, single-page forms. Thus, multi step registration forms are the real deal!!

By breaking down the registration process into manageable steps, you’re not only making it easier for your users but also likely boosting your site’s performance.

This comprehensive tutorial will walk you through creating a stunning multi step registration form using the powerful User Registration plugin.

First, let’s learn about the User Registration plugin and why we chose it.

Why Use User Registration Plugin to Create Multi Step Registration Form?

When it comes to WordPress registration, User Registration is the best choice for all website owners. The drag-and-drop form builder allows you to create registration forms with required form fields.

The plugin is also highly extensible, with its premium add-ons. The Multi-Step Form add-on is excellent for creating multi step registration from within WordPress.

User Registration Plugin Official Site

It has a simple registration process, and you can organize lengthy registration forms into multiple steps. You can also add distinct sections, significantly improving the user experience.

Further, you can customize your multi-step form according to your site’s requirements. It lets you add distinct titles for each step.

It also offers multiple designs for progress indicators: Progress Bar, Circle Bar, and Arrow Steps.

How to Create a Multi Step Registration Form?

To create a multi step registration form, you must first buy the premium version of User Registration. For more price details, visit its Plans and Pricing page and select the best plan for you.

Next, install and activate the User Registration plugin.

You can check out a beginner’s guide on installing and activating the User Registration plugin.

After setting up the plugin, activate the Multi-Part Forms add-on to create your first multi-step registration form.

Multi Step Forms Addon

To create a new form, go to User Registration>>Add New. Here, you can see the easy-to-use form builder where you can insert required form fields just by dragging and dropping them.

User Registration Multi Step form builder

1. Enable Multi-Part Forms

To activate the multi-part forms feature, go to the Form Settings option on the form builder. Then, click on the Multi-Part Forms tab and enable the Multi-Part option.

multi part registration form enable

Once you’ve done this, update the form if you’re using an existing one. Otherwise, hit the Create Form button at the top-right corner.

2. Customizing the Multi Step Registration Form

After you enable the Multi-Part Forms option, you’ll find three settings to customize your multi step registration form.

Multi Step Registration Form Settings

Progress Indicator

With this option, you can change the type of indicator for your multi step form. There are three types to choose from here: Progress Bar, Circle Bar, and Arrow Steps.

Progress Indicator Color

This allows you to choose a color for the registration form. Customizing the multi-part color with the website’s theme color is a great option.

Part Navigation Alignment

The Part Navigation Alignment option allows you to choose where the navigation buttons appear in the form.

3. Add Multi Parts to the form

Once you’re done with the settings, you can easily add multiple parts to the registration forms. Go to the Fields section in the form builder, and you’ll see the Add New Part button on the bottom right.

Multi Step registration form add new part

Click on the Add New Part button to add multiple parts to your registration form according to the number of fields you want to add.

4. Change Multi Part Page Options

As you add new parts for your multi step form, you can also change the Part Title and Next/Previous text for each step.

To do this, simply click on the multi-part for which you want to change the text. Then, the Page Options tab will open.

Here, you can easily change the Part Title of each part individually. You can also change the text for the Next and Previous buttons of the multi step form.

Multi step registration form customize title

Also, each part has a Delete Part option. You can delete a part if you don’t need it later.

5. Display Multi Step Registration Form

After you’ve created the multi step form, remember to update it or save it if you haven’t already. Then, you can display the multi-step registration form on your site. There are two ways to display the form.

First, you can copy and paste the shortcode provided for each form you create in User Registration. Then, you can paste the shortcode to any page or post on your site.

multi step form shortcode

Secondly, you can use the Registration Form block in the Gutenberg editor to insert the form. To do this, search your editor for the Registration Form block.

Registration Form Block

Then, select the multi step registration form that you created.

Select Multi Step Registration Form

Now, the form will be added to the page or post with form preview in the editor.

multi step form wordpress display

After you Publish the page or post on your site, your multi step registration form will look something like this.

That’s how you create multi step registration form in WordPress using User Registration plugin.

To Summarize:

Creating a multi step registration form is such an easy job with the help of User Registration plugin.

But here’s the real thing—the multi step registration form isn’t just about pretty forms. This is about boosting your conversions, growing your user base, and ultimately, taking your WordPress site to the next leve

Lastly, using User Registration, you can also add a file upload fieldrestrict access to WordPress pages and posts by user roles, and much more.

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How to Create a Multi Step Registration Form in WordPress?
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