How to Create Custom User Profile Page in WordPress?

Last Updated: 4 mins By: Anisha Maharjan

In this article, you’ll learn how to create a custom user profile page in WordPress. You’ll also know how to:

  • customize tabs on the user profile page,
  • customize user profile page appearance

Ready to dive in? You can either watch this detailed video tutorial or follow the step-by-step guide on this blog:

So stick with us till the end!

How to Create User Profile Page in WordPress?

The best way to create a user profile page in WordPress is with User Registration

User Registration Official Site

You can create amazing custom user registration forms for your website using this plugin.

Mainly, it offers a pre-built My Account page that you can customize according to your requirements.

This is why we’re using this plugin in this tutorial.

Step 1. Install User Registration and Add-ons

User Registration is a powerful plugin that you can download for free. However, we highly suggest you purchase the premium plans to unlock its full potential.

The free version allows you to create a simple user profile page. However, you must buy the Plus or Professional plan to customize it further using the Customize My Account add-on.

Thus, visit the official pricing page and purchase a suitable plan.

After that, you can install, activate, and configure the plugin.

You can find a detailed guide on installing and setting up the User Registration plugin here.

After completing the installation and setup process, go to the Extensions section from the User Registration menu.

Activate Customize My Account

There, you need to find and activate the Customize My Account add-on.

Step 2. Creating My Account/User Profile Page

Once you’ve installed User Registration Pro and the Customize My Account add-on, you can start creating your custom user profile page.

The user profile page contains four tabs by default: Dashboard, Edit Profile, Edit Password, and User Logout

My Account in the Frontend

Step 3. Customize User Profile Page Tabs

Now that you have a user profile page, you can make changes with the help of the Customize My Account add-on.

After you install and activate this add-on, go to the User Registration >> Settings tab.

Then, click on the Customize My Account section to view existing tabs and their settings.

Customize My Account Settings

i. Add New Tabs to the Custom User Profile:

You can add additional tabs to your user profile page by clicking on the Add New button at the top right corner.

Add New Tab to Create User Profile Page in WordPress

You’ll see two options for field type here: Endpoint and Link. Select the type of field you want to add.

Select Tab Type User Registration

After selecting, click OK. Then, head down and press Save Changes.

ii. Edit Tabs on the User Profile Page:

You can edit the fields and elements of each tab of the user profile or My Account page. Since there are two field types, their settings are different.

First, let’s view the settings for the Endpoint.

Endpoint Options

Here, you can view the Endpoint slug, edit the Endpoint label and icon, restrict the endpoint to specific user roles, Modify the default content, and more.

Contrarily, Links have settings of their own. Here, we’ve created a link tab named “WooCommerce.”

Settings for Link Tab

You can edit its Link TypeURLlabel, and icon, restrict the link to specific user roles, and open the link in a new tab.

iii. Manage User Profile Tabs:

You can change the position of the tab by simply dragging and dropping the tab to the desired position.

Drag and Drop Tabs to Create User Profile Page in WordPress

iv. Disable and Delete User Profile Tabs:

To hide a tab, turn off the Enabled option. You can also easily delete a tab if you don’t need it. 

Hide or Remove Tab User Profile Page

Step 4. Customize User Profile Page Appearance

If you want to edit the design of the user profile, User Registration offers the Style Customizer add-on.

All you have to do is activate the add-on from User Registration >> Extensions.

Then, go to the Advanced Settings in the Customize My Account tab.

Load Style Customizer

Then, you can click on the Load Style Customizer button. You will be redirected to the live editing panel which is similar to the WordPress customizer

There are 6 editing tabs which include Wrapper, Color, Navigation, Forms, Buttons, and Additional CSS.

You can change the styling of your User Profile page as per your requirements from these tabs and make them unique.

Customizer Options for My Account

Once you are done, you can save the changes.

Summing it Up!

With all this information, we’ve come to the end of the article.

We hope you’ve learned how to create a custom user profile page in WordPress using the User Registration plugin.

Now, it’s your turn to implement the steps above. In the comments below, let us know if you have anything to ask or share.

Also, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get exciting news on User Registration.

How to Create Custom User Profile Page in WordPress?
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